Janaagraha is registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. Our audited Financial Statements, Annual Reports, and summaries of foreign contributions are provided below.
FY 2021-22
FCRA Financial Statements FY 2021-22
FCRA Financials FY 2021-22
Audited Financial Statements & Report for FY 2021-22
JCCD Financials FY 2021-22
FY 2020-21
FCRA Financial Statements FY 2020-21
FCRA Financials FY 2020-21
Audited Financial Statements & Report for FY 2020-21
JCCD Financials FY 2020-21
JCCD Form 10B 2020-21
FY 2019-20
Audited Financial Statements & Report
JCCD Financials FY 2019-20
JCCD Financials FY 2019-20
FCRA Financial Statements
Janaagraha FRCA Audit Report FY 2019-20
Janaagraha FCRA Financials FY 2019-20
FY 2018-2019
Audited Financial Statements & Report
Audited Financial Statements with notes as on 31-03-2019 FY 2018-19
Deloitte Audit Report as on 31-03-2019 FY 2018-19
Audited Financial Statements (on Foreign Contributions)
Audited Financial Statements & Report (with respect to foreign contributions) with notes as on 31-03-2019 FY 2018-19
Independent Auditors’ (Chartered Accountant) Certificate (with respect to foreign contributions) as on 31-03-2019 FY 2018-19
FY 2017-2018
Audited Financial Statements & Report
Audited Financial Statements with notes as on 31-03-2018 FY 2017-18
Deloitte Audit Report as on 31-03-2018 FY 2017-18
FCRA Audited Financial Statements
CRA Audited Financial Statements FY 2017-18
FY 2016-2017
Audited Financial Statements & Report
Audit Report JCCD FY 2016-17
Financial Statements JCCD FY 2016-17
Audited Financial Statements (on Foreign Contributions)
Audited Financial Statements & Report (with respect to foreign contributions) with notes as on 31-03-2017 FY 2016-17
Independent Auditors’ (Chartered Accountant) Certificate (with respect to foreign contributions) as on 31-03-2017 FY 2016-17